Ebonyu Transformation Farm Enterprises (ETFE) is a progressive farm set-up in July 2018 based in Kalaki, Eastern Uganda. The farming initiative drives itself based on the principles of agroecology[1] applying traditional, modern and sustainable methods to deliver local employment, valid livelihoods[2] and contribute to food security[3].

The enterprise aims for a combination of the highest quality, sustainable and resourceful food provisioning. It is committed to the improvement of local food self-provisioning, nutritional quality and the best levels of natural resource enhancement. ETFE aims to build upon a far-reaching range of local skills and knowledge in farming practice, horticultural knowledge and indigenous experience. This will combine with wider and long-term agrarian and environmental research of its originators. This is essentially a family-based social enterprise and will operate along the equivalent lines of a CIC (Community Interest Company). The aim is therefore to ensure that profits and assets become available for public good in the community.

[1] Agroecology brings together scientific thinking and indigenous knowledge as well as up-to-date management systems to enhance food security, biodiversity, resource conservation and livelihoods. Agroecology works in diversity and complexity of farming systems, maintaining local and saved seeds and local livestock, improving soil fertility and water retention and recycling nutrients and energy on the farm rather than relying on external inputs. It prioritizes access to land, good food and work. It aims to be both productive and sustainable. Agroecology is therefore a practical and transformative collaboration between science, local farmers and social movements.

[2] Livelihoods are “the capabilities, assets (including both material and social resources) and activities required for a means of living” (Chambers and Conway, 1992).

[3] FAO’s definition is that ‘food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life’ (FAO 1996).