An Agroecology Development in Uganda
Ebonyu Transformation Farm Enterprises (ETFE) is a progressive farm set-up in July 2018 based in Kalaki, Eastern Uganda. The farming initiative drives itself based on the principles of agroecology1 applying traditional, modern and sustainable methods to deliver local employment, valid livelihoods2 and contribute to food security. The enterprise aims for a combination of the highest quality, sustainable and resourceful food provisioning for customers as well as beneficiaries within the community. It is committed to the improvement of local and community food self-provisioning, nutritional quality and the best levels of natural resource enhancement. ETFE aims to build upon a far-reaching range of local skills and knowledge in farming practice, horticultural knowledge and indigenous experience. This all includes the full participation and inclusion of beneficiaries. This will also combine with wider and long-term agrarian and environmental research of its originators. This is essentially a locally set-up social enterprise and will operate along the equivalent lines of a CIC (Community Interest Company) or part of a cooperative. The aim is therefore to ensure that profits and assets become transferable for public good the community. The consultation and participation of beneficiaries linked directly and indirectly to ETFE will be based on the wider principles of agroecology.